什么是Hypervisor? -类型、好处 & 它是如何工作的?


约旦麦克弗森 - global Network and Server Management leader - headshot
约旦麦克弗森 2022年2月14日
虚拟机监控程序和. 虚拟机?
1. 十大赌博正规老平台器整合
2. 数据复制
3. 资源优化
4. 桌面环境镜像
类型1 虚拟机监控程序和. 2型

Hypervisors have become a key component to most enterprises’ virtual infrastructure and even many IT pros’ personal PC environments. If you’ve managed virtual machines or even worked with a computer that can dual boot into, 说, Windows或Linux, 您可能已经与管理程序进行了交互. Or maybe you’ve just heard of the resource-efficiency and cost-control possibilities of virtualization and are wondering how to get there.

第一步是理解管理程序的目的, 你必须选择的类型, 以及这项技术的基本原理. 让我们开始!


A hypervisor is a type of software or hardware used to create virtual machines and 然后 run those virtual machines day to day. You’ll sometimes see the same technology referred to as a ‘virtual machine monitor,或VMM, 哪种方式是对管理程序功能的合理封装.


If that definition isn’t intuitive for you, allow us to take one step back. 要了解什么是管理程序, 您必须了解虚拟机, 物理十大赌博正规老平台器的进步. 回想一下早期的计算机时代. In that era, each physical server could only have one operating system. 没有分区,工作负载相互影响. 这是一种很好的做事方式,但有局限性.

进入虚拟化. This technology allows multiple virtual machines to run on one server. 现在, a single piece of equipment in the physical world can actually look and act like multiple independent servers in the virtual world. (We’ll get to the advantages of a virtualization environment in a moment.)

hypervisor可以是硬件, 或者它可以是一个管理虚拟机的程序, 无论是软件还是固件. What makes a hypervisor a hypervisor is what it’s used for—it creates, 监控, 管理虚拟机.


The hypervisor is the boss of virtual machines, which we’ll call 虚拟机 from here on. 虚拟化环境为虚拟机或虚拟机分配资源, 换句话说, 管理物理资源, 例如CPU, 内存, 和存储, 在虚拟机环境中执行功能.

这有点像进入 矩阵. 在这个比喻中,Neo的身体是物理硬件. 它可以在现实世界中作为单个操作, physical server or his mind (still reliant on his physical brain) can go virtual. 启用Tank的接口, 的运营商,来同时监控和管理不同的, individual experiences of all the humans on his ship who are plugged into the Matrix—that’s akin to the hypervisor.

虚拟机监控程序和. 虚拟机?

没有管理程序的虚拟机是可能的. 这种虚拟化通常采用容器的形式, 基本上小, 更便宜的, 使用与主机相同的O/S的更多可移植虚拟机.

最好将虚拟机管理程序和虚拟机视为一揽子交易, 然而, with containers representing a different architecture with its own advantages and use cases.


Okay, so that’s the ‘what’ of hypervisor technology but you may still be wondering ‘why?“虚拟机管理程序有什么优势??

1. 十大赌博正规老平台器整合

管理程序的一个关键特性是仪表板, 将十大赌博正规老平台器管理集中在多个虚拟机上, 它们可能运行不同的操作系统. Admins can interact with numerous 虚拟机 via the hypervisor as of through a single pane of glass, 正如他们所说.

2. 数据复制

众所周知,使用传统方法很难复制虚拟机. 通常需要为VM复制整个卷, 经常, 特定十大赌博正规老平台器上的所有虚拟机. 说到消耗存储空间!


幸运的是,基于管理程序的复制更加灵活. You can select which 虚拟机 and which parts of those 虚拟机 to replicate, a clear improvement.

3. 资源优化

Because various independent 虚拟机 can run on the same hardware at the same time via partitioning, 虚拟机监控程序 help enterprises make more efficient use of the underlying physical equipment. 虚拟化大大提高了十大赌博正规老平台器利用率.

By also distributing network and bandwidth in an increasingly intelligent manner, 管理程序可以帮助您充分利用各种资源.

4. 桌面环境镜像

Hypervisors can also be used to host a virtual desktop that is the ‘twin’ of a user’s physical desktop. You might be familiar with this concept from various remote-work applications that allow employees to connect to and ‘use’ their office PC from anywhere.


There are two main types of hypervisor used by System Administrators and Software Developers today. The following sections explain how these hypervisor types present unique advantages for different job functions.

类型1管理程序vs. 2型


最常见于企业数据中心, a type 1 hypervisor replaces the host’s operating system and lies right on top of the hardware. For this reason, type 1 虚拟机监控程序 are also called bare metal 虚拟机监控程序 or embedded 虚拟机监控程序.



  • VMware管理程序,如vSphere、ESXi和ESX
  • 微软hyper - v
  • Oracle虚拟机十大赌博正规老平台器
  • Citrix管理程序

类型2 hypervisor

托管一个类型2的管理程序, 在O/S上作为软件运行, 然后在物理硬件上运行. This form of hypervisor is typically used to run multiple operating systems on one personal computer, 例如,允许用户启动到Windows或Linux.



  • VMware工作站
  • VMware Fusion
  • 甲骨文VirtualBox
  • Oracle Solaris专区
  • Oracle虚拟机十大赌博正规老平台器 for x86

类型1 虚拟机监控程序和. 2型

您需要哪种类型的管理程序? 这取决于您的用例.

Type 1 虚拟机监控程序 isolate VM partitions and, therefore, offer significant security advantages. 十大赌博正规老平台器群将严重依赖此类裸机管理程序. 类型1的管理程序可以, 例如, be used to offer 客户 a virtual server in the cloud that behaves like a physical server down the hall. What’s more, different 客户 won’t be able to access or affect others’ 虚拟机.

托管或嵌入式管理程序, 另一方面, 拥有更低的成本和更易于安装和使用. They’re great for creating test environments or simply running software that wouldn’t run on the native O/S.

Thus, if you’re a software developer, you’re likely going to set up 2型 虚拟机监控程序 all the time. 如果您正在管理一个生产数据中心并负责 十大赌博正规老平台器管理,预计会看到大量的类型1管理程序.


管理程序位于物理和虚拟之间. Depending on the type, it might sit right on top of the hardware or it on the O/S. 无论哪种方式, 管理程序翻译虚拟机请求, 根据定义,哪些是虚拟的, 对于仍然必须在其上运行操作的物理硬件.

Imagine you’re a VM in need of CPU, 内存, storage space, bandwidth, etc.,以执行操作请求(管理程序),您将收到!


正如我们讨论过的, 虚拟机监控程序, 虚拟机, and the underlying physical hardware work together in an orchestrated manner to process workloads. 这才说得通, 然后, to seek maintenance and support for all these layers from a single provider.

ParkView IT基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 from Park Place Technologies offer an all-in-one support solution for virtualized environments, similar to OEM services but with distinct advantages in terms of cost, 响应性, 管理的复杂性和灵活性.

其价值主张非常简单. 无论是硬件故障还是管理程序故障,我们都会修复它. 有效地, 不管发生什么事, 我们随时回复, 在全球任何地方, 因为公园广场提供全方位十大赌博正规老平台, 全栈提供商.

听起来不错? 十大赌博平台排行榜 今日欲知更多资料!

约旦麦克弗森 - global Network and Server Management leader - headshot


Jordan is responsible for guiding the global Network and Server Management offerings for Park Place’s 侨福管理十大赌博正规老平台 division. His responsibilities include collaborating with Sales, Marketing, Enterprise Operations, and the R&D team to develop and bring to market Park Place’s world-class managed services. 他拥有12年的全球规划经验, 监控, 及提供资讯科技十大赌博正规老平台, including nearly 10 years as a Team Lead and Strategic Applications Developer with MSP IntelliNet before its acquisition by Park Place. 乔丹是俄亥俄大学的毕业生.